Light Sleep and Vivid Dreams

Do you suffer from light sleep and vivid dreams?

For some, sleep is the easiest thing in the world – we feel tired, fall asleep and wake up nice and refreshed. For others, there’s a set routine, hours of counting sheep, tossing and turning and pure frustration.

Then there’s the light sleepers, the vivid dreamers – waking because there was a slight noise that disturbed you or because your dream was so real you weren’t sure if you were actually staring in an action movie…that’s normal though right? Nope, you’re wrong! It may be common, but it is not normal.  

Light sleep and vivid dreams are but two of a large list of symptoms that are actually telling us something about our brain. If we are suffering from chronic stress then we aren’t supposed to be enjoying a deep and dreamless sleep – our survival mechanisms aren’t set up that way. They’re set up to keep us in flight or fight mode until the threat resolves! 

Anything that puts a strain on our brain or body could trigger us to go into flight or fight (survival) mode and could run for days, months or even years, such as:

  • Work pressure
  • Relationship stress
  • Financial worries
  • Health issues

Even posture, lighting or personality can be a factor to trigger flight or flight mode.

When we stay in survival mode for an extended period of time, we develop Sympathetic Dominance. This means that the side of your nervous system that handles fight or flight gets fired-up and hinders the side of your nervous system that handles rest, digestion, repair and reproduction.

If you stay in survival mode – stressed, wound up or under pressure for a short amount of time then your body can swing back and rest and repair before it goes too far! Unfortunately, for many of us, it may not happen as easy as we’d like…

There is good news though, no matter how long you have been in survival mode and depriving your body of valuable rest and repair time, you can do something about it, and we have the tools which may be able to help you! 

Red Lensed Glasses – Red Lenses help calm down the ‘stressed’ part of your brain and play a vital role in the whole SD Protocol.

Magnesium liquid – To be used for the treatment of Magnesium deficiency. It aids or assists in the prevention of muscular cramps and spasms. Free from added sugars, yeast, starches, gluten, wheat, corn, other cereals, dairy products, flavouring, colouring and preservatives.

Posture Corrector – The Posture Corrector is used to assist in correcting upper body posture and to help reduce forward head posture and rounding of the shoulders.

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